What Are Advantage Slot Machines? |
Categories: FYI

What Are Advantage Slot Machines?

Before I start posting about the slot machines that I & many other slot hustlers have made money from, I’d like to go into detail about what an “advantage” slot machine is. This type of machine makes up a very small fraction of slots in a casino but they are out there.  When viewing this site you’ll possibly find several machines that you’ve already seen or perhaps even played before but you didn’t know was an advantage machine.

Advantage machines are slots that are played only when certain conditions are met, the player can will have a positive expected value. Doing so will allow you to make money off of the casinos and not the other way around and you can achieve this legally and without any nefarious tricks or devices. Now I’m sure many of you right now are saying to yourselves “Every spin of a slot machine is random.” Or “There’s no way you can beat a slot machine.” Or maybe “this guy is full of it.”

In response to those doubts let me say that yes, every pull of a lever or push of a button is random & no one can possibly know what will happen on any given spin. However, what I am dealing with are the small percentage of slot machines in casinos that are “beatable” or can be “hustled.” What does this mean?

These machines as opposed to a typical slot machine where a bonus round or feature is triggered on any given spin, a player must build their way to achieve the bonus/feature. The term “accumulator” or “banking” machines is commonly used by slot hustlers to describe such slots. Often times a person playing these types of machines will, for a variety of reasons get up, cash out and leave the machine when a bonus/feature is near. The progress made up to this point will remain on the machine. Now you have a situation where if you play this machine you will have the “advantage.” Someone else has done most of the work for you & all you have to do is finish off whatever progress is remaining to get the bonus/feature. You then get off the machine & let the process repeat itself.

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What’s great is that there is no need for you to do split second calculations like in blackjack or poker. You really don’t need to be good at math or numbers for that matter. Advantage plays on these types of slot machines are often visibly apparent and in most cases easy to understand. What I hope to do on this site is to show which machines you can take advantage of & do it in a way that is simple to understand.

There are many scam artists who are shilling gambling “systems” that claim that you can win on any machine 100% of the time if you follow their guaranteed strategies. 99.9% of what they are selling is junk. I mean come on “machines in the middle of a row don’t payback as well as end machines.” Or how about “go to the casino late at night after everyone has already dumped in a lot of money into the machines and they will now be ready to pay.” Lies are what they are spreading and they actually charge people for this nonsense. All information on Advantageslots.com will always be free or charge & you can take it or leave it.

After reading all of this some of you may not nor will you ever be convinced that you can beat some slot machines. That’s fine. I don’t guarantee that you will win 100% of the time. No one, including me does. But I can guarantee that you’ll be leaving the casino with more money in your pocket than you came with more often than you were before.

Tags: FYI

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