Tag: Aristocrat

Posted in FYI
Can you beat Dragon Link, Lightning Link, Dollar Storm or Lock It Link?
One of the most popular series of slot machines over the past several years are the link…

Posted in advantage machines
How to Advantage Play Aristocrat Gaming’s “Buffalo Link”
Combine two of Aristocrat’s most popular franchises(Buffalo & Lightning Link), add a feature that can be advantage…

Posted in advantage machines
Advantage Playing Aristocrat’s “5 Coin Frenzy Jackpots Wukong Wealth”
5 Coin Frenzy Jackpots Wukong Wealth is an Aristocrat advantage play slot machine. It’s a pretty straightforward…

Posted in advantage machines
Madonna: Mighty Cash With A Super Strong Edge
🎵I made it through the wilderness. Somehow I made it through🎵 & finally I’ve come back to…

Posted in advantage machines
Aristocrat’s The Red Empress & The White Wizard: I know an advantage slot machine when I see it
I travel a decent amount & if there’s a casino near where I’m travelling, I’ll drop in…