Besides posting & explaining the various advantage slot machines that are available in casinos, this website also aims to discuss other topics related to this very obscure lifestyle. Many of you who visit this website are new to the concept of hustling slot machines. As a result I aim to give you insight into the advantage player lifestyle.
When people hear that someone makes a living as a gambler they likely think one of two things: A) “They’re full of it” or B) “That’s so cool, just like the Vegas themed Hollywood movies.” I’m not concerned with the former but definitely the latter. By the way, for the vast majority of advantage slot machine players the lifestyle is nothing like the movies. Sorry to burst your bubble.
Topics that I intend to address include time and bankroll management, dealing with other hustlers & how to conduct yourself in the casino. That almost sounds like stuff you’d deal with in a real job and believe it or not it can feel that way sometimes. So whether you want to dip your toes in or dive in head first, I’ll be dropping little bits of information that I hope will be useful to you if you choose to engage in this line of “work.”