About Me

Welcome to AdvantageSlots.com! Before I get started I’d like to tell you a little about myself. I’ve been an advantage slot machine player since the Summer of 2009. Before that I was just like 99.9% of slot players. I just pressed the spin button & would accept whatever outcome happened until one day I realized that one of my favorite machines could be “beaten” if I only played it at specific points. I was only going to the casino a couple of times a week for just a few hours & I was suddenly going home with more money than I came in with on nearly every trip.

In those few hours I would often make $100-300 & I wasn’t doing anything shady or illegal to do it. Yes, that isn’t a massive amount of money but there aren’t many jobs that pay that much for just a few hours of work. I’d like to think that I’m a relatively smart person but it didn’t take high intellect or any special skill. It was just me being observant. An advantage player was born.

From that point on I have been on the lookout at my local casinos for any other slot machines that I could beat & over the past several years I have found some. Keep in mind I’m not the only one who has discovered advantage playing or as some call it “hustling” these machines. I had come to learn that advantage playing slot machines have been around long before I became a hustler & during my time doing this I’ve met dozens of people from all around who engage in this activity. Many of them have been doing this for decades & is actually what they do for a living full time.

I myself have done well for myself over the years, have had a fun time doing this for the most part but now I want to do something else with my life. With that said I want to share with you, my fellow slot machine players much of what I’ve learned & the machines currently on casino floors all around the world that will offer you a significant advantage when played in the right situations. The bottom line is that I want to help all of you make money.

Best of luck to you all.


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